Friday, November 18, 2011

Mining Social Relationship Data for Serving Your Online Ads

Originally published on The New Group blog on 5.26.10

Should you or should you not mine the deep social connections between your customers and their friends as a source for finding new customers? This appears to be the next wave of socially-targeted advertising that is happening on the web, and based on a recent article in the Wall Street Journal, with impressive results.

There’s a handful of new measurement technologies in the market that are enabling this type of contextual, socially-targeted advertising. Through sophisticated data mining and relationship mapping, leveraging people’s social graph of connections, companies are now able to target messages and offers to the peers of their customers. Pretty cool I think, but I’m sure there’s others who will be paranoid about this stuff.

With all the scrutiny of behavioral targeting going on these days, this will likely be another interesting space to watch. It sounds promising, and I look forward to testing it out. While data-mapping connections between people seems to be a powerful way to target your ads; will it survive legislation that regulates it? I’m not sure yet.  For the moment though, here are a few of the companies who are making it happen:

Meteor Solutions
33 Across

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